August Quinn Thorpe Copley

Welcome to our family young August!!!

August Quinn Thorpe Copley

Wendy will be publishing a more detailed blog I suspect, but she said it was ok for me to put mine up ahead of hers. At 2:21 Sunday morning, California time, August 31 the newest member of our family arrived.

He weighed 9 pounds 12 ounces and was 21 inches long, a standard size Thorpe baby.

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14 Responses to August Quinn Thorpe Copley

  1. Joyce Carpenter says:

    Congratulations on another beautiful grandchild. He’s a big one and bright eyed too. I am sure you are anxious to go see him.

  2. Nancy Behrndt says:

    what a cutie congratulations Wendy and proud Grandma and Grandpa!!

  3. Sue says:

    I have been checking my email all day waiting for this picture. Way worth it. He looks a lot like Wendy. What a cutie!

  4. Jessica says:

    He is BEAUTIFUL (but what did we expect, we have all seen Wyatt after all)!!! I agree with Sue, he looks like Wemby. I am sure he is wondering if they sell Bento boxes that can hold breast milk.

  5. GADoo says:

    Absolutely glorious!

    But upon which syl la’ ble is the em pha’ sis, young August?


  6. Aunt Lisa says:

    Truly beautiful and perfect. I am so happy for this little love and, of course, all of you.

    Judy, are you asking if his name should be pronounce AU-gust or au-GUST? If used as a noun, the EMphasis is usually on the first SYLlable. If yoused as an adject, the emPHAsis lands on the second sylLABLE.

    Just glad I can help.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Obiviously, I forgot to proofread that entry before I posted it. No good deed goes unbunished.

  8. Aunt Lisa says:

    That last entry was from me.

  9. Dan says:

    Congrats Wendy and Zack!

  10. Diane says:

    Gor-ge-ous. And there is no breaking that down. He is a little WENDY. love ‘ya.

  11. Gram says:

    I’m teary with joy as I write this .What a treasure.Luv Gram xxxxx

  12. Aunt Linda says:

    Welcome little Augie!
    (For what it’s worth…I think that sweet mouth was taken directly from his Momma!)

  13. dick says:

    way to go Wendy,congrats gma & gpa,you have got to be really proud.Hope you get to visit in person soon.

  14. Cherise says:

    What can I say that hasn’t already been said ? Lance and I are thrilled to have another nephew. He is beautiful. His face just seems so familiar, like I have seen him before!

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