Welcome to our family young August!!!
Wendy will be publishing a more detailed blog I suspect, but she said it was ok for me to put mine up ahead of hers. At 2:21 Sunday morning, California time, August 31 the newest member of our family arrived.
He weighed 9 pounds 12 ounces and was 21 inches long, a standard size Thorpe baby.
Congratulations on another beautiful grandchild. He’s a big one and bright eyed too. I am sure you are anxious to go see him.
what a cutie congratulations Wendy and proud Grandma and Grandpa!!
I have been checking my email all day waiting for this picture. Way worth it. He looks a lot like Wendy. What a cutie!
He is BEAUTIFUL (but what did we expect, we have all seen Wyatt after all)!!! I agree with Sue, he looks like Wemby. I am sure he is wondering if they sell Bento boxes that can hold breast milk.
Absolutely glorious!
But upon which syl la’ ble is the em pha’ sis, young August?
Truly beautiful and perfect. I am so happy for this little love and, of course, all of you.
Judy, are you asking if his name should be pronounce AU-gust or au-GUST? If used as a noun, the EMphasis is usually on the first SYLlable. If yoused as an adject, the emPHAsis lands on the second sylLABLE.
Just glad I can help.
Obiviously, I forgot to proofread that entry before I posted it. No good deed goes unbunished.
That last entry was from me.
Congrats Wendy and Zack!
Gor-ge-ous. And there is no breaking that down. He is a little WENDY. love ‘ya.
I’m teary with joy as I write this .What a treasure.Luv Gram xxxxx
Welcome little Augie!
(For what it’s worth…I think that sweet mouth was taken directly from his Momma!)
way to go Wendy,congrats gma & gpa,you have got to be really proud.Hope you get to visit in person soon.
What can I say that hasn’t already been said ? Lance and I are thrilled to have another nephew. He is beautiful. His face just seems so familiar, like I have seen him before!